
Onge's Erasure Page - Home Page


, I decided to venture more in HTML and make a more detailed and technical website. The obvious focus for this project was my all time favourite band Erasure and so in September of 1998 I decided to start preliminary work on Onge's Erasure Page. I signed up to webspace on and began using Word 97 to piece together my site. By December all the testing and uploading was complete and I launched my creation on the internet. The original site (pictured below) was largely chunky and not all that pretty but I prided myself on the in-depth nature of my site. However, my hits were pathetically low - I averaged about 10 visitors a day (count 'em all!). Never-the-less I endeavoured to maintain my site through my A-Levels before I felt a drastic revamping was in order. I signed up for a domain name through Freenetname and used my recently acquired FrontPage 2000 to smarten up the design. In May 2000 the new improved Onge's Erasure Page was launched and finally Yahoo! accepted me onto their search engine. My hits then went through the roof to average a more respectable 75 visits a day, which has since doubled. July 2001 saw minor stylistic changes and the inclusion of more pages. August 2004 saw a dramatic site redesign to this, its current form. I try to be original in my content where possible and hope fans enjoy and bookmark this site.

This is a 100% unofficial website and I have nothing whatsoever to do with Mute Records or anything like that. I serve only to promote the band that has brought me so much aural pleasure over the years. If the existence of my site has sparked one person to buy one Erasure album (and I know for a fact it has) then it has been worthwhile. After all, if the band don't sell records, they will stop making music. And when that day does come it really will be (as Don McLean and Madonna sung) "the day the music died".

This site is largely my own work. I strive to make original content like my chart breakdown graphs and this site was the first on the internet to have the lyrics to the Other People's Songs album and the b-sides to the Solsbury Hill and Oh L'amour - Remix singles. I am pretty much a one-man band, but I do wish to thank Colin for his assistance on various elements of this site. I won't lie and say without his help this site wouldn't have been possible, but he has come in helpful from time to time! Also Kerry's comments and encouragement have been highly useful.

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