
NuFruit Acai and Guarana - Fruits of the Amazon


In the late 1990’s, a couple of blokes living and working in Brazil first discussed the option of taking acai and some other Brazilian fruits to Australasia. Moving from discussion to forming NU Fruits of the Amazon required several intervening years as both Leon Smith and Jon Wisniewski were fully engaged in other activities and projects, Leon as a logistics manager on a United Nations project building hospitals in the South of Brazil, Jon as a business development manager with a New Zealand company, working on a project whose aim it was to develop the world’s fastest-growing trees for solid wood products.

Some years on, Leon and Jon are now the founding shareholders of NU Fruits of the Amazon, and Jon is full time General Manager of the company, based in Auckland. New Zealand. Leon is now based in the Middle East and although not active in the day to day management of the company, still very closely involved in strategy and direction. Xenia Smith, English born but having lived in Brazil from the age of three is the third shareholder in NU Fruits of the Amazon. Presently based in Brazil, prior to joining Fruits of the Amazon Xenia was an environmental consultant with several years of experience working on projects throughout Brazil including several stints in the Amazon region.

Our Australian operations are managed by Barry Vaughan. Based in Sydney, Barry too has spent some years living and working in South America, and prior to joining NU Fruits of the Amazon was responsible for environmental health operations in Auckland City.

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