
NON-CONTRADICTION.COM - Aristotle and Aristotelianism


"The Wreath is an unexpected combination of magic and science, colliding worlds, old and new, and the hidden exchanges between earth and sea." --Firewitch

He who examines the most general features of existence, must investigate also the principles of reasoning. For he who gets the best grasp of his respective subject will be most able to discuss its basic principles. So that he who gets the best grasp of existing things qua existing must be able to discuss the basic principles of all existence; and he is the philosopher. And the most certain principle of all is that about which it is impossible to be mistaken... It is clear, then, that such a principle is the most certain of all and we can state it thus: "It is impossible for the same thing at the same time to belong and not belong to the same thing at the same time and in the same respect."

I updated the audio page with an 8MB MP3 of me reading Categories 1-5a aloud. I didn't put much work into the recording, but it's there for downloading if you're inclined.

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