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Ever wonder why every time you are eating M&Ms you are strangely drawn to the green ones? Because, duh, obviously they make you get a homerun. Seriously, I always ask people for the green ones because M&Ms embedded this theory into my young mind through vicious marketing in the 80s. And now I found proof that it actually does exist.

Here is an interesting story of the day. Basically a company in the UK discovered that certain high-pitched frequencies can not be heard by people that are over 40 - but they can be detected by teens. They used this knowledge to create a product that will emit the frequency in order to deter teens from hanging out in front of their stores or other such activities.

From wikipedia: Chav (pronunciation: [tʃæv]) (also Chavette (female chav), Charv or Charva) is a slang term in wide use throughout the United Kingdom since 2004. It refers to a subcultural stereotype of a person with fashions such as flashy “bling” jewellery, Burberry clothing items and counterfeit designer clothing; an uneducated and uncultured background; a tendency to congregate around places such as fast-food outlets, bus stops, or other shopping areas; and a culture of antisocial behaviour and violence. Chavs often listen to dance/trance, RnB, rap, hip hop and drum and bass music . Response to the term has ranged from amusement to criticism that it is a new manifestation of classism.

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