
Neem, Neem Oil, Karanja Oil, Neem & Karanja products


The Neem tree -Azadirachta Indica - is an evergreen, native to South India, that grows up to 60 ft high. It is found in the tropical dry deciduous/evergreen and thorny forests and drier parts of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. It has been planted and naturalized throughout Africa and grows in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Pakistan, Japan and tropical regions of Australia and America. Ancient Indian texts refer to Neem as Sarva Roga Nivarini, "the curer of all ailments."

The medicinal properties of Neem have been described in ancient Indian medical texts (4000 B.C.) such as the Atharva Veda, Ghrhyasutras and the Sutragranthas. The sanskrit name, nimba, is a derivative of the term nimbati syasthyamdadati - meaning 'to give good health'.

Literally, every part of the tree has a use. The products of the Neem tree are known to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic.

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