Educates & provides braille material to blind people




Braille is a code, a system of writing in raised dots, to be read with the fingers, by persons who are visually impaired. All text is represented by sixty-three characters, called braille cells, which are all the possible arrangements of two side-by-side columns of three dots each. The dots within the cells are numbered, downward, 1 through 3 in the left column and 4 through 6 in the right column. The cells are embossed in horizontal lines across the page. There are usually 40 cells per line and 25 lines per page, on paper 11 inches high by 11.5 inches wide.

The meaning of the cells is dependent on context. For instance, in English braille, the sign for the letter "k" (dots 1 and 3) represents:

the part-word "know" when it is preceded by a dot-5 cell and is in contact with other letters within a word.

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