
shoes in wide and hard to find sizes from Naturalizer, Hush puppies & Wolverine.


Shoes Etc., L.L.C. is the company name and cyberspace version of our Brick and mortar operation, Williams Shoe Store. Williams Shoe Store, along with our office, is located in Chickasha, Okla. where it has been providing quality, medial-priced, name brand footwear, in hard to find sizes, for a half century. We have a well-trained, dedicated staff, with many years of experience. Our rule is to provide customer service second to none, with modern technology we strive to offer that same service and dedication to customers throughout the U.S. and many parts of the world.

We have made many friends in the shoe business, and hope to make many more. We would like to invite you to stop by and visit us. If you should have any questions please e-mail us at We wish to thank you for shopping with us and look forward to your highest satisfaction.



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