offers resources and sells plants that eat meat


Unique Carnivorous Plant Pets & Gifts at My Carnivore


Excerpted from the website:

Why Order From My Carnivore?
My Carnivore is the only place you can order award-winning carnivorous plant pets that come with everything you need to keep your plant healthy. Many people have tried Venus Flytraps and have had them die. In most cases, it is not your fault--your plant came in a pre-packaged grave that made it nearly impossible to keep alive and enjoy. My Carnivore has created a cage/terrarium environment to make it easy to keep your pet alive. If you have tried and failed, try again! We also offer two other amazing species of carnivorous plants that are much easier to keep alive and are equally as enjoyable.
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285 Chateaux Elise #B
Santa Barbara CA 93109 US

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