Bar Exams outlines


My Bar Prep, Multistate Bar Exam, Bar Exam Review Course for law school graduates, Online Preparation


Thank you for your interest in MyBarPrep, The Online Bar Review. The Web site is the result of a consortium of attorneys, computer programmers, and career counselors to provide an efficient transition from law school to practicing law.

The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) created the MBE and commissions six committees to create questions that cover national laws. The MBE is comprised of 200 multiple-choice questions covering six basic areas of law: Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Evidence, Property, and Torts. Your MBE will be divided into two sessions that are each three hours in length and you will be required to attempt to answer 100 questions during each session.

The fact patterns on the MBE vary in length, ranging from 60-80 words for some Evidence questions and up to 300 words for certain Constitutional Law questions. The MyBarPrep Program will prepare you to read quickly and react rapidly to the facts presented to you on the MBE. Our unique program teaches you to read the calls of the questions, examine the answer selections quickly, read the fact patterns efficiently, and select the appropriate responses.



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I just passed the bar using this site!
  • posted by Anonymous on Oct 30, 2006, 5:34 am

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