- CA provider of employee assessment & development services


Management & Personnel Systems, Inc.


Management & Personnel Systems, Inc
Walnut Creek CA
US 94596
(925) 932-0203


MPS is an assessment firm specializing in employee selection and development. Founded by Richard C. Joines in 1980, MPS has carved out a unique niche within the I/O Psychology Consulting community. At MPS, we rent simulation tests and assessment exercises to our clients. Our clients administer the exercises according to our instructions, but then send everything to us for scoring and reporting.

Thus, when a client uses our services, there is no need to obtain and train assessors. Research comparing the reliability and validity of scoring by professional assessors vs. the traditional approach of using occupational managers is very supportive of our approach. Professional assessors are better, pure and simple.

Think of it this way: when the traditional assessment company trains occupational managers to serve as assessors in scoring an in-basket, the occupational managers are lucky to get three or four hours of training. Our professional assessors start with 80 hours of training, followed by close supervision until they are truly expert in the scoring process.

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