


With Thousands of Members... Representing Dozens of Countries... The Momentum Traders Network is Team-Work... Internet Style. Thousands of eyes and ears all working together through our Stock Tip Hotline...We get the news...before it is news...We hear the rumors...While they are only Whispers...We turn profits...Before the Main Stream Market even notices...

The Momentum Traders Network is one of the most powerful trading groups on the Internet. With thousands of Members and ability to reach over 2 million online investors through our InvestWire Network, Momentum is the Power of Teamwork. With Members from over 70 different countries all working together to bring the days Hottest Stocks to light.

As our membership is growing rapidly once again...I want to remind everyone that many of the momentum alerts take a week, two weeks, and occasionally longer to produce gains...Often we detect activity that is related to events that a specific company will not make public for days...

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