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Mnemonic Dictionary - Fun and easy way to build your vocabulary!


Excerpted from the website description: - Fun and easy way to build your vocabulary using Mnemonics, Pictures, Visual, Etymology, Usage

Mnemonic Dictionary not only provides you meaning of words but also a key mnemonic (a learning aid) and images related to that word. It helps you in learning meaning of words by connecting meaning with something you already know (already in your memory) or is easy to remember.

For e.g: Caulk , which means ‘to make watertight’ can be broken as follows: Mnemonic — caulk sounds like cork which makes bottles watertight.

Word -- abase

Meaning -- lower; degrade; humiliate; make humble; make (oneself) lose self-respect

Mnemonic -- abase means without base and without base things fall down -- so degrade (just imagine a house without a strong base)

Just see how easy it is to remember meaning of abase and caulk using mnemonic.

You can add your own mnemonics too at Mnemonic Dictionary and can also view or edit mnemonics added by others. A visual aid (image related to word) is also provided for each word.

Flash cards and Wordlists are also provided on this site to help you systematically prepare for word lists.

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