is Multi-level marketing scam.

MLM ABOUT|FACE - Turning the tables on MLM fables



Excerpted from the website:

"Thanks, Bob-- this information has been extremely helpful and has shown me new ways to promote my business and generate additional revenue."
read more is dedicated to bringing you the most effective ways of marketing your MLM business and making you a business and personal success.

As the author of THE FASTER VEHICLE and founder of, I am interested in your feedback, questions, and/or ideas.

If you are interested in receiving any of our resources, or have a question about how to get started earning a bigger income with your home-based business, simply use this form to contact us.

Additional Information

As the founder of the I have invested in bringing you the best in strategies and tools to help you make your home-based business a success.

My career in marketing goes back to 1992 when I began working on and utilizing a "self-funded" system of advertising—a system I call “FLIP™ marketing”—that taught businesses how to generate money instead of spending it to effectively promote their products and services. Throughout the 90’s I worked with hundreds of businesses and individuals to apply this system. Along the wayI carved out some nice niches in a number of markets and industries, and it was during this time I began appreciating the power of residual income. I had put together a team of sales representatives who worked with me; imagine being a 25 year-old kid and being able to golf at Hilton Head and getting a paycheck at the same time!!!

In 2000 I made the jump from the traditional brick-and-mortar business model into the world of online retailing. Many of the processes and methodologies I learned and developed in the 90’s fit quite well here and within a few short years I had helped turn a small online start-up into a $70 million business.

I am not going to promise that you will have a $70 million business in two years. What I will guarantee is using as a resource for information and guidance will add revenue streams to your home-based business and turn it into a FUN stream of income for you and your family. While the failure rate of network marketing cannot be sugar-coated, will give a path to follow and a path to profitability.

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