
Mini-Incision Total Hip Replacement by Todd V. Swanson MD


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The minimally invasive total hip replacement was developed by Dr. Swanson after being introduced to the concept in early 1997. Dr. Swanson began using the technique in May of 1997 and has continued to make improvements that now allow reliable surgery and reproducibly good results in most patients. Standardization of the technique has allowed teaching to other surgeons. Numerous physicians and orthopedic companies have shown interest in promoting “minimally invasive surgery” for total hip replacements.

The minimally invasive technique utilizes a 3-4 inch incision, much smaller than the 8-10 inch approach historically used for hip replacement. Patients require less anesthesia and pain medication, and mobilize more quickly. This results in both quicker recovery for the patient and a lower incidence of complications.

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