
Ministock Farm


Proven Profitability

The Belted Galloway breed has been proven to be a superior feed converter. In tests at Olds Agricultural College, Olds, Alberta, over a 10 year period Galloways were shown to use the least feed per kilogram of weight gain. These high feed conversion rates are what makes the Belted Galloway breed profitable year after year.

Beef Quality

This is one of the most important breed characteristics of all Galloway breeds. The beef is lean yet well marbled. Because of the Galloway double hair coat, carcasses do not have the extra layer of back fat common to many other breeds. Galloways dress out at 60% to 62% of live weight.

Good Hair Coat = Lower Winter Feed Costs

Research at Montana State University has shown that beef cows with a hair coat just one inch thicker than average requires 20% to 25% less digestible feed intake to maintain body weight in cold weather. The double hair coat found on Belted Galloways means they need less feed to maintain good body condition.

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