- Free classifieds - Jobs, Apartments, Coupons, Sale, Buy, Cars is a FREE global classifieds site serving more than 2500 cities with 570 categories globally.

The site was launched in December 2012 with the aim to make apartments, jobs, cars, sale/buy and coupons search easier for local communities all over the world. Metrolistings employs less than 5 people and holds office in less then 600 sq.ft in the city of chennai,India.Our mind is so broad and space is no constraint.We discuss, plan, design, implement, eat,sleep and sometimes fight in this small space and provide great service through one of the fastest growing site in the world.

Metrolistings offer FREE postings in any categories and doesn't charge a fee for it's postings.The site also allows to post in multiple cities across continents in just a click.

Metrolistings is committed to improve it's user experience by continuously improving the site interface with new functionality that makes experience interesting and search easy.To provide user the best experience,we are also committed to run the site free of ads.We strongly believe great user experience coupled with best functionalities will help us grow and serve communities better.


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