
Globally, SGS strives to be in the forefront of providing quality work. Many of our facilities operate under an internationally recognized quality standard, which consists of a documented quality system.

Our Quality Objectives:

- To provide clients with service that is fit-for-purpose, which includes quality and responsiveness.

- Prevention rather than correction. Use internationally recognised methods wherever possible and make these available and easily accessible by all staff.

-Ensure an effective and documented training program in place to demonstrate analyst proficiency before client samples are processed.

-Comprehensive validation program, including accuracy and short & long-term precision, Limit of Detection & Limit of Quantification, linearity, and estimation of uncertainty of measurement.

-To demonstrate compliance with regulatory legislation as applicable. To support Proficiency Testing and Round Robin programs.

-To be consistent with the corporate Mission and Vision statements to incorporate personal development, health & safety and the environment.

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