
MemphisWeather.Net - Weather for Memphis and the Mid-South


The goal of MemphisWeather.Net is to provide the citizens of Memphis and the Mid-South with weather information they can RELY on. Full of good information, the crown jewel of which is the most accurate, FREE forecast available for Memphis, MemphisWeather.Net will continue to grow to meet the needs of Mid-Southerners. Some of the information available herein includes radar and satellite imagery that shows where and when storms are going to affect your area; historical data, including temperature and rainfall data for the surrounding area for the last several years and record highs and lows for every day on the calendar; current conditions where YOU live, partially provided by the good folks at WREG-TV and; and severe weather messages straight from the National Weather Service, the official disseminator of weather watches and warnings. The latest additions to the site include WXLIVE! (realtime backyard weather from Bartlett) and WXLIVE!-Severe Weather (severe weather watches and warnings delivered straight to your e-mail account). Also, you'll find a photo gallery of weather phenomena around the Mid-South, and a mailing list to keep you informed of changes and additions to these pages. If you like what you see, the best compliment is a return visit and a referral to all your friends, family, and co-workers! Thank you for visiting!

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So who does the forecasting for MemphisWeather.Net? The same guy that also serves as the webmaster! Erik Proseus is a degreed Meteorologist who lives in the metro Memphis area (north Bartlett) and has 7+ years of forecasting experience in the Bluff City, plus nearly a decade of experience in web design. Highly devoted to producing the most accurate forecast for the Mid-South, Erik has a passion for weather and a perfectionist attitude that translates into a great forecast! You can read more about Erik on his Bio page.



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