
Protected areas and development in the Lower Mekong River region


Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam have an extraordinary reservoir of natural resources. These resources are critical to regional and national socio-economic development through their direct economic benefits and a wide variety of natural services that are often taken for granted. During the past ten years unprecedented attention has been given to establishing and extending protected areas, which now cover more than 13% of the region. Investment in these areas has also increased. However, paradoxically the natural resources they contain are degrading more rapidly than ever along with the services that they provide.

Key issues and trends in the lower Mekong River region. This presentation describes the grounds for the review in greater detail.

The Objectives

This review drew together protected area managers and economic planners to analyse current approaches to protected area management and investigate ways to integrate them more effectively for socio-economic development. The main questions asked were:

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