
Geyserland Daylight Masonic Lodge, Rotorua, New Zealand.


Located on 45' South, New Zealand is situated in the South Pacific Ocean with a population of 3,600,000 plus, and a land area of 102,415 square miles (266,171 sq kms), (a little larger than Great Britain). New Zealand, one of the world's most efficient agricultural producers, enjoys a balanced rainfall, temperate climate and abundant grasslands that make it ideal for sheep production. There are in excess of 50 million sheep on more than 25,000 farms. Twenty five million lambs are reared each year for the world's markets

New Zealand is a highly developed and productive country. Polynesian settlers arrived in Aotearoa / New Zealand around the 10th century, and by the 12th century settlements were scattered over most of the country. Aotearoa was sighted by Dutch navigator Abel Tasman in 1642, but it was a further 127 years, in 1769, before British naval captain James Cook and his crew become the first Europeans to set foot on New Zealand soil. Organised European settlement dates back to the middle of last century. The first million of population was reached in 1908, the second in 1952, the third in 1973. The growth rate is likely to accelerate as New Zealand continues to develop secondary industries based on the top quality products of its pastoral and pastoral-linked economy.

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