
Book Marketing Minute



As partners of MarketAbility, we’ve been marketing books since 1991 (exclusively books since 1997) and have helped thousands of authors market their books.

Virtually all of the book industry’s top conferences and trade shows have invited us to present our cutting-edge marketing strategies to their audiences: PMA University, SPAN Conference, Steve Harrison’s National Publicity Summit, Dottie Walter’s Magnificent Marketing Symposium, Mark Victor Hansen’s Mega-Book Marketing Seminar, Jenkins Group publishing seminars, Fred Gleeck’s innovative publishing events, Brian Jud’s Publishing Directions and many regional publishing organizations across the country.

With our help, authors like you have gotten on national TV like The Today Show, The Jenny Jones Show, and Live with Regis. We have gotten books like yours get in newspapers like USA Today, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and in magazines like Ladies Home Journal, Woman’s World, Guideposts, Entrepreneur, and Publishers Weekly. What about radio? You bet.

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