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Excerpted from the website:

cticed for thousands of years in the Far East, acupuncture has enjoyed a spectacular boom in recent decades. It is now widely accepted in the Western world as well, and is routinely used at a number of hospitals and even university clinics as a means of controlling pain. A clinic in Hamburg has performed well over 1,000 operations under acupuncture anesthesia. The primary advantage of acupuncture in major surgery is that it reduces the need for anesthetic drugs. In addition, acupuncture has proven to be of great value in treating an entire range of disorders, one of these being obesity. Acupuncture clinics, specializing in weight loss, claim one of the highest success rates in the world for treatment of obesity. Acupuncturists commonly refer to the nerves in the inner ear cartilage as the “addiction point” or "Hunger-Thirst point", and stimulation of these nerves has proven to be successful in helping patients lose weight when all other methods have failed. In 2003 CNN ran a special on the high success rate of acupuncture clinics in Japan. Since that time, ear stapling clinics have swept the nation. The clinics have become so popular that 49 of the 50 states now regulate or require some type of licensing to perform ear stapling. Patients from these clinics are claiming consistent and amazing weight loss results. The problem is ear staples can be very painful, they can cause infections and they are temporary.
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