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My name is Rob LoBue and I am an avid Vegas fanatic. I have been to Vegas 51 times since my first trip in November 1994 and I try to go 5 to 6 times a year. When I am not busy planning my next trip, I read everything I can about Las Vegas. I am a subscriber to the Las Vegas Advisor, Casino Player and Strictly Slots and I am always reading some book about gambling but since I don't blow the mortgage money, the wife doesn't consider it a sickness!

I have built for several reasons. First, it helps "get that Vegas fix!" In between trips, it is a great way to keep up with what is going on around town. Second, there are so many Vegas sites out there that are practically worthless and are nothing more than giant ads for some room reservation service. There are only about 3 of them that are worth a damn. Even some of the casinos' own sites are woefully weak. Since this web site is a one man show by a guy who actually has a real job that pays my bills*, I will give you my straight opinion (after all, I am a New Yorker) as well as the opinions of others who have actually been to these hotels and restaurants. The website includes a wealth of information, including Property Maps from virtually every casino on the strip, room photos from a wide selection of different hotels and pictures taken of landmarks around town.

As this site is only as helpful as those who contribute, after you get home from that next trip the the City of Sin, please come back here and tell everyone YOUR opinions about your trip. Thanks for stopping by!

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LoBue, Rob
US 92691-4276

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