

Lone Star Flyers ~ Flight Instruction and Pilot Services


Lone Star Flyers is an alliance of independent certified flight instructors working together to provide a higher level of service and instructional quality to our customers. We are neither a traditional flight school nor a fixed base operator (FBO). Instead, we combine the advantages of both.

What We're Not...

The traditional large flight school offers the advantage of a standardized, high quality training curriculum. But this advantage often comes at a price: an impersonal atmosphere in which separating you from your money (usually lots of it) may seem to be a higher priority than helping you achieve your aviation goals.

At the other end of the spectrum is the independent instructor who teaches in his or her own airplane. Such an instructor will usually offer a high level of flexibility and attention to your individual needs. But with an independent instructor, you have no assurance (other than, hopefully, the instructor's integrity and professionalism) that he or she will provide high-quality, up-to-date instruction. And you have all your eggs in one basket: if your instructor becomes ill, goes on vacation, moves or takes another job mid-way through your training--or if you just don't like him!--you're on your own to find another instructor with whom you're comfortable.

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