
Living Lowfat


About Us

We are Sarah and Gretchen, founders and co-creators of this site. We're not doctors or nutritionists, we started this site because we have been on (and continue to be on) a weight loss journey for nearly two years and in that time, we've seen lots of dieting information. Some of it has been invaluable (see our links section for a few of the pages we love), and some of it has been less useful. What we wanted to add to the world of online diet websites is a place for people who love food .

This certainly sounds like almost everything else that is out there today, but we think what we're doing is different. The second half of that statement, loving food, is where the idea for Foodies on a Diet started. We have always loved to cook, but we were getting huge in the process of enjoying ourselves! Before we began our journey, the idea of dieting always conjured up thoughts of deprivation and loss of the truly delicious. We want people to know that it doesn't have to be that way - people that consider themselves foodies can lose weight without losing the foods they love. In fact, since we've been losing weight I think our insistence on food being truly delicious has only grown. We've discovered whole new cuisines and have refocused our cooking to include only the freshest foods around. We hope that our true love for food comes through in this site and that you are able to enjoy healthy food a little more because of it.

After the original idea about creating a site to honor our love of food was hatched, we began thinking about what would be important to make it a really great site. We thought about the sites we return to time and time again and how we like to spend our time on the internet. It dawned on us that the people that visit a site are what really makes it special (that's you!). We wanted to create a website that was totally interactive. You'll notice that almost every page has a space for comments and that entire sections are devoted to community building and sharing information. We want you to be able to get together and share your experiences and tips with one another. We realize that the road to a healthy lifestyle is long, tough, and never-ending. The best way to accomplish the goals you've set for yourself is have a supportive community that is ready with a tip, story, or a pat on the back when you've done a great job.

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Sarah Brown
Brooklyn New York
United States 11215

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