
Jewish Ozzies' Inter.Net The Electronic Voice of Jewish Australia


JOIN would like to thank.....

JOIN is a success story thanks to the volountary efforts of our unsung helpers. It is timely to reflect on our achievements and express our gratitude.

JOIN is a grass-roots, registered non-profit association, founded in 1993. Our mission was (and still is) to assist individuals and organisations to use the Internet to connect to the global Jewish computer network; to raise the profile of Australian Jewry worldwide and combat the use of the Internet for messages of intolerance and antisemitism.

When we started only a small percentage of the population had heard of the Internet and it was not generally available to home pc and mac users in Australia. We were fortunate in being able to work co- operatively with The Message Exchange to develop a first-class, easy- to-use, low-cost email service.

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