

This is work in progress. These instructions do not yet work.

See also InstallingAboutUsOnLinux

These are the steps to install a working copy of AboutUs on your local OSX machine. Installing a local copy of AboutUs is painful, expect to struggle and struggle. If you do make it through all of these steps you'll end up with the same development environment that we use as we're working on it.

Developer Tools

First you must install xCode tools and the X Server from Apple from your leopard installation disk. Otherwise, go to and download xCode 3.0 (the most recent release at the time this was written).

Links and instructions needed'


Also, install MacPorts from

Use MacPorts to install many of the supporting libraries needed to compile php5.

sudo port install libiconv +universal
sudo port install zlib +universal
sudo port install libxml2 +universal
sudo port install libxslt +universal
sudo port install jpeg +universal
sudo port install tiff +universal
sudo port install libpng +universal
sudo port install freetype +universal
sudo port install gd2 +universal
sudo port install bzip2 +universal
sudo port install openssl +universal
sudo port install gettext +universal
sudo port install gmp +universal



See InstallingAboutUsOnOSX/apache


See InstallingAboutUsOnOSX/php


If Apache is not rendering the php, you may need to add the following two lines to your apache2.conf

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php3 .php

AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps




You will need an account on, you can ask the admin of that system (currently Mike)

Generate a key:

ssh-keygen (with a passphrase)

Add it to your keys for the agent with "ssh-add"

You can verify that it is in there with "ssh-add -l"

Run ssh-agent to get it going. This may not be necessary, as I believe as of OS X 10.5 launchd will start it up when needed.

Add your public key from your local machine (~/.ssh/ to your authorized_keys file on nimbus (~/.ssh/authorized_keys). Verify that the permissions of the file are 600 or it will not be used.

Verify that you can login using the key.


Create the aboutus directory and check out the tools project:

mkdir /www/aboutus cd /www/aboutus git clone nimbus:/opt/git/au-tools

Run the au-install script to get things setup, note that mysql needs to be running for this to complete.

Run the geminstaller to install the needed gems: cd /www/aboutus/compostus geminstaller

Add compostus to the hosts file: sudo vi /etc/hosts add compostus to localhost line

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