
InQ: Your Thinking Profile - Find Out Your Style of Thinking


InQ Educational Materials, Inc.
Oakland CA
United States 94661-0306


The InQ - the Inquiry Mode Questionnaire - is a set of statements with forced, multiple-choice responses designed to determine the subject's mode of thinking. Strong evidence from both experiential and field research, supported by factor-analysis studies, points to the existence of five styles which define most human thinking. The InQ measures the extent to which a person uses each of these styles, highlighting the strengths and limitations of each. It measures "thinking," not some aspect of personality, and describes key behavioral cues related to each.

If you understand thinking styles - your own and others' - you can then understand how to make the most of your interactions. For that reason, the InQ and its related materials are ideally suited for a wide variety of performance-improvement activities.

What are the Five Styles of Thinking Identified by the InQ?

SYNTHESISTS focus their thinking on ideas, and find connections among things that other people see as having little or no relationship. Their style is challenging, speculative, integrative, and process-oriented.

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