
Association of Freelance Indexers: Indexers Unlimited


Indexers Unlimited was founded in 2002 with the goal of bringing together a limited number of dedicated, professional indexers. By combining our knowledge, experience, and specialized skills, we are able to meet the continually expanding needs of the publishing, media, and information architecture communities.

Our goal is simple. We intend to become the destination of choice for the publishing community in search of professional indexing services. In addition, editors and authors can come to Indexers Unlimited to find resources on the indexing process, including articles written about important topics and answers to difficult indexing questions. Our "Ask an Indexer" feature is a free service for authors, editors, or other publishing industry workers. Simply send your question to IU at Your question (but not identity) may be submitted to our 50 member experts.

Indexers Unlimited members must meet stringent requirements in order to be eligible for admission into the group. Each applicant must submit at least one sample index and references from three clients who will vouch for the high quality of his or her work. Each member must have at least three years of proven, published indexing experience (the average level of service for all Indexers Unlimited members is more than ten years). No other directory of indexers in North America requires such proof of competence and experience. None.

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