is a portal to display international artists.


Images of Eyes Gallery Art work International Artists Paintings


Page updated Jan 15, 2007

Original concept gallery. The Images of Eyes Gallery is the internet's only fine art gallery that exhibits images and paintings of eyes by international artists. There are two distinctly different and separate galleries with a connecting subject theme: each image in both galleries has one or more eyes, or at least suggests the presence of an eye!

The gallery exhibits include original oil and watercolor paintings and portraits, lithographs and contemporary art work, nude paintings and other fine art content, by emerging, established, and master artists from Algeria to Zimbabwe. Some images are from private collections; some made their debut in this gallery. It is our hope that the exhibition here of an artist's works will promote, publicize, and enhance the artist's career.

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Search engine users looking for artwork often find us first as we are top ranked by Google, Yahoo, MSN Live, Ask, Lycos, and others, for a myriad number of art-related search terms. Visitors from 171 countries have viewed more than 5.8 million pages of works by over 200 artists from 81 countries.

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