

rect 397 6 459 21 Montana's Official State Website

rect 390 40 457 70 Here is the saga of celebrated generals and ordinary soldiers, a heroic and transcendent president and a country that had to divide itself in two in order to become one

poly 250 561 303 563 339 557 369 561 385 596 386 616 382 624 382 645 374 646 375 625 359 612 354 621 343 641 332 636 345 624 315 625 312 632 319 648 313 648 307 636 302 631 300 635 301 652 290 648 297 626 288 620 279 624 266 603 265 595 279 592 279 578 284 571 291 564 285 561 285 561 285 563 [Sheep body weights]

circle 260 573 26 [Robotics About the Exhibition]

desc none

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