

(Hillhaven Assisted Living, Nursing, and Rehabilitation Center - ) Hillhaven Assisted Living Nursing and Rehabilitation Center - Home


The Malin family purchased Hillhaven as an 18-bed facility in 1978 and expanded it in 1986 to accommodate 60 residents. To meet Prince George's and Montgomery Counties growing need for residential assisted living, the Malins have again expanded Hillhaven to include six additional private nursing care beds and 62 new assisted living suites and apartments. Now Hillhaven can provide assisted living residents a continuum of care as their needs change.

Joyce Malin, BS, RN, president and administrator, has owned and operated Hillhaven since 1978. In college, she majored in nursing and minored in behavioral science. Mrs. Malin is a licensed nursing home administrator and has been appointed to the Maryland Board of Nursing Home Administrators by the Governor and serves as the Board's chairperson. She has also been named Health Facilities Association of Maryland's "Person of the Year."

All four of the Malin children have joined her in providing quality healthcare at Hillhaven. Charles has been with Hillhaven since 1978. He has a BS in Business Administration, is a licensed nursing home administrator and is the chief financial officer. Kimberly has also been involved in Hillhaven's operations since 1978. She is a registered nurse, with a BS in nursing, and is Hillhaven's director of nursing. Wesley has been at Hillhaven since 1980 and has a BS in Long-Term Health Care Administration and has a nursing home administrator license. Wesley is the chief operating officer and the administrator of assisted living. Janine Malin Hume, has been at Hillhaven since 1984, has a BS in Business Administration and is the resident coordinator. All the family members have held various positions throughout the facility giving them unique perspective and knowledge of senior living.


Hillhaven Assisted Living Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
US 20783



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