

Gone Too Soon - A memorial website that celebrate the life of a loved one who has passed away.


A memorial website is probably the best way to celebrate the life of a loved one who has passed away. With GoneTooSoon you can create an everlasting tribute to someone close to you whom you have lost. We provide an easy to use free service that allows you to create and maintain a memorial website where family and friends can pay their tributes, thereby keeping the loved one's memory alive.

Many people find by setting up a memorial website they bring tremendous comfort to themselves and others left behind, it's a convenient way that others can pay an everlasting tribute and offer their condolences from anywhere at any time.

Some people find it too painful to set up a site so soon after the passing of their loved one. With GoneTooSoon you can create you site any time; anniversaries or birthdays are often a key time some people choose.

Don't think it's not your place to set up a site. You would not be encroaching on other family members territory. Our experience has shown that an early site offers the greatest comfort; it's usually too difficult for close family members to create the site and when someone has gone to the trouble to do so it's a great mark of respect that is often greatly appreciated.

Often close friends set up the site and later pass on the upkeep or passwords to someone who was not able to deal with it at the time. The earlier you set up the site, the more response it will have. People are eager to leave messages of condolence as soon as someone has passed away, and it's a comforting feeling to those left behind knowing so many people took time to care. You should tell as many people as you can about the site.

GoneTooSoon is free and easy to use. It doesn't matter when your friend, family member or loved one passed away you can set a site up anytime. You can add to it when you're ready and we can help you every step of the way if you encounter any problems.

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APN House,
Temple Crescent,
W yorkshire
LS11 8BP


All Points North Publications Ltd
Telephone - 09062 006 800
(Available - 7:00am and 10:30pm, 7 days a week.)

We need Your Help

We are looking for volunteers to set up sites and help promote the website. If you have any ideas, or you are available to help, please contact Terry George on 09062 006 800, lines open from 7:00am to 10:30pm, 7 days a week.

How can I make a donation to help GoneTooSoon

As we do not make a charge for creating a site on GoneTooSoon we rely on donations and the generosity of our volunteers giving us their time for free to enable us to keep the website running.Should you wish to make a donation towards the costs of running and improving GoneTooSoon, please send us a cheque made payable to GoneTooSoon and post it to:

APN House
Temple Crescent
LS11 8BP
Call us on 09062 006 800,
(lines are open from 7:00am from 10:30pm, 7 days a week)

Additional Information

Since gonetoosoon.co.uk was launched it has helped thousands of people take some comfort after losing someone close to them... Maybe you and your family have benefited from having a place where you can talk about the person you lost, and others can share in your special memories... ?

Maybe you lost your loved one in a sudden or violent way? Perhaps you've been campaigning for justice and your webpage gives you a welcome sanctuary... ? Or perhaps your story is one of true love against the odds, people who were willing to move mountains to be together, but sadly it wasn't enough?

Whatever your story, we'd love to hear from you. Womens magazines are looking for stories of your love and, sadly, loss. Just like your webpage on gonetoosoon, your story would be a tribute to your loved one.

We would use names and photographs of course, but it would be a lasting reminder of your story together. Something to keep forever, and share with others. And you would also be paid around £500. Some people like to put this towards a memorial...?

If you would like to know a little more, or have an informal chat, please contact us. Not only will you be able to share your loved one's story with others, but having your story published will also help to let other people know about the wonderful gift that gonetoosoon.co.uk offers...

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Featured Page Nomination

GoneTooSoon.co.uk has been nominated to be a featured wiki page. Please discuss this nomination below:

GoneTooSoon.co.uk featured discussion

  • Edit/Add to this Discussion
  • First nominated on 02:36, 25 November 2007 (PST)
  • This page could be stronger with some internal linking and a few testimonials. Obed Suhail 23:31, 26 December 2007 (PST)
  • I'd love to see more images and/or video on this page. TedErnst (talk) 22:07, 19 February 2008 (PST)
  • Moving to LastChance today after no work on the page in quite some time. Please edit this discussion and/or the page to make the nomination active again. Asad | *~talk~* 02:27, 29 February 2008 (PST)

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