
Welcome to Glycologic


The company was formed in February 2002 as a university spin-out by Dr John Karkalas and Professor Richard Tester. The focus was to develop the founders’ expertise in carbohydrate chemistry for drug and nutrient delivery. The initiation of the company was prompted by requests for research and development support within this field from potential client companies – and the rest is history!

The primary mode of operation and income generation for Glycologic Limited is to develop novel intellectual property (IP) and generate income from licensing this technology to other companies. These companies are within the pharmaceutical, clinical nutrition and nutrition fields and cover the spectrum of size and activities. The Company also partners companies for specific contract research and development activities within the field – although is often requested to do more esoteric industrial things with carbohydrates!

Currently the Company employs ten members of staff, including seven research staff - all of whom are educated to PhD level in relevant fields of interest to the Company. Collectively the staff have a broad knowledge of carbohydrate chemistry, biochemistry and metabolism – with particular specialities in drug conjugation, encapsulation, excipient development, carbohydrate metabolism and prebiotics. In addition, there is extensive expertise within the Company in product and process development gathered both within the academic and industrial sectors.




C/o Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Rd

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