
GLASS BEAD GAME--Cosmic Play In a Symbolic Universe


lays the foundations for an Artistic/Conceptual Game, which integrates all fields of Human and Cosmic Knowledge through forms of Organic Universal Symbolism, expressed by its players with the Dynamic Fluidity of Music. The Glass Bead Game is, in Reality, an Age Old metaphor for what has been called, the "Divine Lila" (Play or Game of Life). This metaphor has been expressed by every great Wisdom Tradition known to man, and its players, the Magister Ludi (Masters of the Game), use as their instruments Ancient and Modern modes of Symbolic Wisdom traditionally presented through Sacred Art, Philosophy, Magick and Cosmology. For a more detailed elaboration of our vision of the GBG, see:

The Glass Bead Game Project is sponsored by the Sacred Science Institute, a Research Institute dedicated to the preservation and application of Sacred Knowledge, Metaphysics, and MysticoMagical Cosmology in the modern world. The SSI has collected a library of over 10,000 volumes of the greatest literature from the Wisdom Traditions of the past and makes research reprints of the most unobtainable material available to scientists, philosophers and scholars. Our Institute and Archive were created to provide the background for a Glass Bead Game as envisioned by Hermann Hesse, whose ideas and principles were directly taken from these Ancient Wisdom Traditions.

Our examination of the various current attempts to create Glass Bead Games on the Internet has revealed that the general GBG community (several well informed scholars excluded) is relatively unaware of the essential connections between the GBG and the Esoteric Tradition. Hesse himself gives many of these references in his masterpiece, but they have been surprisingly undeveloped, much of which is due to the obscurity of the individuals and schools to which he refers. We have collected all of the works referred to by Hesse, and everything of related content, and, in time, intend to release these through our Archive. Many of these works are in German, Latin and other languages further limiting their accessibility to the general reader, so we have developed several translation projects to made these fundamental materials accessible to a larger public. We feel that without a solid grounding in these fundamentals, any attempt at a GBG will be trivial and superfluous, negating the intent of Hesse's Universal Vision. See below for details on these programs.

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