child safety




Excerpted from the website description:

Forget Me Not USA is a safety sticker or decal used on car windows to help prevent a caregiver from forgetting a child in the car to die from heat exposure.

The FORGET ME NOT Auto Window Sticker is the first line of defense in giving parents, grandparents and all caregivers (daycare workers, school bus drivers) a visual reminder to "NEVER LEAVE A CHILD ALONE IN A VEHICLE FOR ANY REASON".

The FORGET ME NOT sticker was designed primarily for use on automobiles, but it can be used anywhere as a personal reminder. For example, a FORGET ME NOT sticker can be placed on the entry and exit doors of your place of business as a reminder for customers and employees. The sticker can also be posted on your front and back door at home so it is the first thing you see as you start your day. Place the sticker anywhere it will trigger your memory and help you avoid the unthinkable.

The 4x4 double-sided FORGET ME NOT sticker is placed on the driver's side window, above the door lock where it will be seen upon exiting and entering the vehicle. The sticker can be placed on any vehicle window as long as it does not impair the driver's vision.

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