gives stats and high scores for serious Chinese gamers




Excerpted from the website:

Welcome to FiringSquad, one of the Internet's largest and most-recognized Hardware and Gaming sites. We first started FiringSquad in order to help gamers get the most out of their PCs. The First Person Shooter was enjoying a renaissance and PC gaming was burgeoning. Hardware really started to matter, and the industry was fragmented with multiple players peddling competitive products. Existing sites just didn't cater to hardcore enthusiasts, preferring instead to stay focused on the more lucrative markets hardware IT or mainstream gaming. From the start, we set out to expose the curious world of the hardcore gamer. The fastest hardware, mouse/keyboard input, mouse sampling, high video framerates, stereo sound with headphones, even monitor refresh (to this day there are people who claim no advantage can be had with a higher refresh). In addition, the explosion of PC gaming brought with it a wave of multiplayer games, growing the phenomenon of competitve play. Reviews that simply covered single-player campaigns only told half the story. As gaming grew, so did FiringSquad. With more people playing, the definition of "hardcore" shifted, and those of us not blessed with unlimited budgets needed to find the best bang for the buck. Brutal CPU price wars have brought component prices to a level previously-unimaginable in the industry. The effect of competitive gaming spread as well, to new genres of games and even new platforms. Today, FiringSquad continues to bring you the absolute latest in the world of PC technology, hardware, and the games that take advantage of them. In these pages you'll find the rigorous and unbiased reviews and previews, technology guides, and up-to-date events coverage that you've come to expect from FS. Our roots have always been in hardcore gaming, and we believe that these gamers will be the ones to shape the communities, competitions, and industries of tomorrow.
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