
Fire Call Board Game


Fire Call is a family friendly board game that can be played with 2 to 4 players ages 8 and up. Each player runs their own fire department using 24 different pieces of fire service equipment and a mutual aid card, which must be used and collected throughout the game in order to complete fire calls to gain control of fire service districts. There are a total of 11 districts in all to be occupied, and the player holding the most fire service districts once they are all covered is declared the winner. In the event of a tie between two or more participating players, play continues until one stands above the rest. Each player begins the game at the rank of firefighter and can get promoted or demoted throughout the game, no lower than firefighter or higher than fire chief. There are a total of 5 different ranks and the rank the player holds determines how much equipment is needed to complete the Fire Call. The higher the rank, the less equipment you need to complete the call. The fire department with the most occupied districts once all the districts are covered wins.

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