

Fatpublisher Website Designers


Fatpublisher are a website design [1] and website development [2] company located in Surry Hills, Sydney Australia. Ever since its establishment in the year 2000 Fatpublisher have consistently produced internet applications that exceed the expectations of its clients and that of their website customers.

Fatpublisher have a complimentary set of website design and development principles that are followed during every project. The end result is a visually inspiring, intuitive, robust and search engine optimised website incorporating the latest of usability considerations and web technologies.

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Web-centred design approach relies on understanding the way people think and interact with websites.

Fatpublisher employs the service of professional designers who possess specialised knowledge and experience in designing for the web as a communication medium.

Our web-centred design approach involves three information-design disciplines: Graphic design

Using graphic design elements we create a unique visual style (look and feel) that is harmonious with the brand, industry or aspirational visual character of the client. This style is applied consistently throughout a website, ensuring visual integrity while reinforcing the client's visual identity. Information architecture

The sensible ordering of content and interface elements in a website is a vital component when communicating information to your audience. Visual and typographical elements are given a specific place within the site's information hierarchy by means of size, colour and placement. Human computer interaction

All interactive aspects of the website, such as its navigation system and forms are designed with users in mind. Our understanding of the characteristics of the web-medium and the way people interact with it ensures our websites are functionally sound and simple to use.

By developing websites that are visually inspiring, legible, intuitive and easy to navigate we ensure both the needs of our clients and their users are met.


Next-gen development is an approach and a strategy. Fatpublisher develop websites that are based on the latest in evolved web technology. Our focus is on developing websites that are fast, secure, accessible, search engine optimised and portable. Characteristcs

Accessibility : Standards based programming is essential for the delivery of powerful, lightweight, highly accessible websites. XHTML/CSS has replaced the tired technique of table layouts. Now the visually impaired and users of internet enabled portable devices can easily access information presented on websites.

Performance : Fatpublisher adopts techniques such as XML integration, page content caching and compression of script files prior to serving. These techniques have the benefit of reducing server load, lowering bandwidth and generally improving usability and website performance.

Portability : Fatpublisher websites are developed with open source technologies suitable for deployment on most operating platforms including Linux, UNIX, Solaris, Windows and Mac OSX.

Security : In order to improve website data security Fatpublisher employ a number of technologies including: input validation checking, SSL, stored password encryption. Technologies

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) : CSS has always played an important role in website development though its role now, is more important than ever. Today there is an increasing need to build web solutions that are accessible and compatible. Websites that seperate the design (CSS) from the structural layer (HTML) are increasingly preferred, not only by the visually impaired, but also search engines. This approach to website development allows for a relatively hassle free website re-skin should an organisation undergo a rebranding. A renoun example of what can be achieved visually through CSS can be found at the CSS Zen Garden.

XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language) : XHTML is an extension of HTML and is an example of applied XML. As the internet was flooded with varying formats of information carrying the same subject matter there became a need to structure this information in a set order or style so as to allow organisations to efficiently communicate this information with one another. Equally there was a need to ensure that web content displayed and behaved consistently across multiple browsers. So evolved XML and its partner XHTML. Standardised by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) XHTML defines the structure of a webpage.

DHTML/JavaScript (Dynamic HTML) : Through the use of JavaScript it is possible to introduce movement and interactivity into a webpage by manipulating HTML objects and properties. Common DHTML techniques include drag-and-drop, image slideshows, dynamic menu navigation, user triggered 'in-page' content generation, scrollers, text and image manipulation.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) : AJAX and AJAX-like programming techniques have empowered the web in recent years. AJAX is a mesh of existing web technologies including XHTML/CSS, JavaScript and remote data retrieval function calls. Noteable AJAX enabled web services include Google Maps, Flickr and Amazon's A9.com search engine. Its application now is widespread. Fatpublisher uses AJAX to improve the responsiveness and richness of a website. Previously an update or search for a product may involve several page loads - with AJAX, this can all occur within the one page.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) : Very loosely described as the fat-free alternative to XML, JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. JSON is typically used on high traffic websites where the size of the data being transferred between client and server is critical. Google and Yahoo were early adopters of JSON.

SVG/VML (Scalable Vector Graphics/Vector Markup Language) : SVG is a vector graphics language defined by the W3C. VML is a microsoft developed langauge and supported by Internet Explorer version 5+. Vector graphics is a powerful new XML offering that involves three types of graphic objects : shapes, images and text. Quikmaps.com is a practical example of SVG/VML at work. On quikmaps.com it is possible to draw directions to your home and place markers using drag and drop

Related Domains

W3C Websites [3] Web Directions Community [4] Excellence in Website Design Award [5] Web Standards Group [6] The Website Design Journal [7]

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