fantasy sports social network & money handling 4 fantasy sports

Fantasy Sports Market .com (FSM) is a social networking platform where players connect with other players and join leagues together. These players do not need to worry about the discomfort of trusting strangers handling league fees, commonly known as the 'commissioner', because that's the role we take.

Description offers users a social networking medium that is tailored to the fantasy sports player, providing the user with an opportunity to search for fantasy sports leagues that fit his/her needs. The search criteria include, entry fee costs, level of difficulty or type of sport/game the user wants to play. In order to offer the player a safe, reliable way to compete in a monetary league, will also handle all transaction of entry fees for each of the user’s leagues through an online checkout process. This will not only make the transferring of money quick and efficient but Company's escrow system will also hold each participant’s entry fee in a single, secure location until the completion of the fantasy season, allowing the player to participate in monetary leagues without ever having to meet anyone face to face.

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Dustin Suh & Chirag Domadia Co-Founders, Fantasy Sports Fantasy Sports Market NFL NBA

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