- Blog that covers topics about Ecuador


This is my personal journey and I intend to take you along for the ride.  I, for one, have never ventured outside the US.  I know, pitiful isn’t it?  As of this writing I still have yet to get my 1st passport, however, it is filled out & ready to be submitted when I get the transportation and $100. I have chosen Ecuador as the destination I wish to move to.  There are a lot of factors that went into this decision and while you are riding along I will share some with you. is an informative site about the smallest country in South America, Ecuador. I live in the US currently, and am wanting to move to Ecuador. I have many reasons for doing so, which you can find on my site. Mostly it is for the health aspect, as good natural (non GM food) food is plentiful and inexpensive. There are many different alternative/holistic medicines & treatments available & I would like to improve my health. I am currently using a wheelchair but with some extensive weight-loss and good physical therapy in a relaxed atmosphere should do the trick.

I would like to include my immediate family in this venture, my son, daughter-in-law and 3 grandchildren. I have studied Ecuador for the last 6 months or so quite closely, and have become very comfortable with my decision. I like the current president and do NOT find his "socialist" ways to be threatening. He has a different philosophy about the word "socialism" than we do, so don't jump to conclusions as so many before you have.

There are, as always in life, pros and cons. Within the walls of "" you will find some of these. I have discovered, through forums, newsletters, etc. that I am NOT alone in my choice of new home. Many, many Americans are looking to make the move, right beside me.

I do NOT know of any personally, but the numbers are growing every day. If you would like to learn what I have learned, please join me at I need to learn Spanish, so I have worked up quite a bit on that subject and you are welcome to learn with me.

If you are looking to visit Ecuador, please visit my site for some good deals on hotel rentals and guidebooks. Also visit to find out what the weather will be like in any of the main cities and towns across Ecuador.

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