E-Planner.us provides architectural and engineering consulting services


Prosperity Consulting Group, Prosperity Architects & Engineers


Excerpted from the website description:

Prosperity Consulting Group;Architects, Engineers, Planners, 周克忠建筑师工程师事务所;周克忠建築師工程師事務所, Prosperity Architects & Engineers, e-Architect, e-Engineer, e-Planner, Architect, Engineer, Planner, Architecture, Engineering, Planning, UCLA, GSAUP, Department of Architecture and Urban Design, National Republican Congressional Committee, American Architect, Urban Planning, Urban Design, Architectural Design, Landscape Design, Construction Management, Sinotech Engineering Consultants, University of Chinese Culture, NSPE, AIA, CAD, George Kechung Chou, George K. Chou, Kechung Chou, George Chou, 全国共和党国会委员员会,美国共和党全国委员会,美国建筑师,都市计划,都市规划,都市设计,建筑设计,结构分析,景观庭园设计,营造管理,中兴工程顾问公司,电脑制图与设计(CAD),加州美国建筑师工程师,CADD电脑制图与设计,Licensed Architect, Engineer, Urban Planner-Member of Presidential Commission - National Republican Congressional Committee, Honorary Chairman of the Business Advisory Council/National Republican Congressional Committee from California, Member of Presidential Business Commission/The Chairman and Executive Committee - National Republican Congressional Committee(NRCC), Honorary Chairman of the House Trust - NRCC, Honorary Chairman of the House Majority Trust - NRCC, Commission member, Reagon Congressional Commission - NRCC, National Leadership Award - NRCC, Congressional Medal of Distinction Award - NRCC, Founding Member – The Presidential Business Task Force, Commission Member, Eisenhower Commission-Republican National Committee(RNC), President's Club member, Charter member, Honor Roll Life Member - Republican National Committee(RNC), Member, National Republican Senatorial Committee(NRSC), 2004 Ronald Reagan Gold Medal Award - NRCC, 2005 Businessman of the year/Business Advisory Council - NRCC, 2006 Republican of the year /Business Advisory Council - NRCC, Standing Committee Member, Honorary Board Member - America and China Marketing Promotion Association, Committee member - KMT US SouthWest Branch, Secretary, Committee member - KMT LA East/Inland Division, President, Ma Ying-Jeou's Friends Association, Support Ma Siew Association, Los Angeles East Region/Inland Area, Advisor-US 19 Volunteer Association, Committee Member, Los Angeles Area Three Principles of the People Alliance USA, Board Member-Southern California Chinese Culture University Alumni Asssociation, Co-Chairman, Southern California 60 years celebration of People’s Republic of China,Honorary Advisor, Southern California 98 Years celebration of Republic of China, Adjunct Associate Professor-Northrop University-USA, Elder-Chairman of Deacon Committee-Chinatown Church of Christ-LA, Board member(Founding period)-China Evangelical Seminary North America, Founding Deacon and Family-United Chinese Christian Church in Hacienda Hts(Now also call Great Commission International)-Vice President, Bell Memorial United Methodist Church, LA, Adjunct Associate Professor, Northrop University, USA, Consultant, Sinotech Engineering Consultants Ltd, Taiwan, Senior Planner, Urban Development Department/Council for International Economic Corporations and Development(CIECD) and Economic Planning Council(EPC), Executive Yuan, Taiwan, ROC, National Leadership Award-NRCC, Congressional Medal of Distinction Award-NRCC, 2004 Ronald Reagan Gold Medal Award(NRCC), 2005 Businessman of the year/Business Advisory Council-NRCC 2005, 2006 Republican of the year/Business Advisory Council-NRCC, KMT Service Excellency Award, Cover story figure-"How2USA" magazine (March 2008, Dec. 2008), Cover story figure-"China Fortune" magazine (Feb 2009,April 2009), Outstanding Award-Honorary Chairman, "2009 Outstanding Chinese Award", Outstanding Chinese Leader-2009 Worldwide Outstanding Chinese and Business Culture-China International Business Corporation Association-Ministry of Business-PROC, Glory of Stepping Stones Contributors Award-2010 U.S.-China Business Summit, LV, Outstanding Chinese-Cover page figure-Chinese Information Network, Honored Member of the Heritage Registry of Who’s Who 2005-2008 Edition, Honored Member of the Strathmore's Who's Who 2006-2008 Edition, Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 2006-2008 Edition, 执照建筑师, 工程师, 城市规划师, 委员,总统委员会/共和党国会委员会, 美国加州企业顾问委员会荣誉主席/美国共和党国会委员会, 执行委员-总统企业委员会委员/主席及执行委员-共和党国会委员会, 荣誉主席-美国众议院基金会(NRCC), 荣誉主席-美国众议院多数席次基金会(NRCC), 委员-雷根国会委员会-共和党国会委员会, 创始会员-总统企业行动力委员会, 国会杰出奖章/企业顾问委员会-全国共和党国会委员会, 委员-艾森豪威尔委员会-共和党全国委员会(RNC), 荣誉终生会员,核心会员-共和党全国委员会(RNC), 委员-全国共和党参议院委员会(NRSC), 国家领导奖(NRCC), 国会杰出奖章(NRCC), 2004年度雷根金质奖章, 2005年年度企业家奖/企业顾问委员会-共和党国会委员会, 2006年年度共和党员奖, 常务委员,荣誉董事-美中市场促进会, 书记,委员-中国国民党美西南/洛东内陆分部, 会长-马英九之友会(马萧后援会)洛东内陆地区(洛杉矶东边地区,包括胡桃、钻石吧、奇诺岗、西柯维纳市、河滨郡、圣伯纳丁诺郡等), 顾问,美国一九义工联谊会, 委员, 洛杉矶地区三民主义大同盟, 理事-南加州中国文化大学校友会, 共同主席-南加州中华人民共和国60周年国庆, 荣誉顾问-南加州中华民国98周年国庆, 中国国民党优秀服务奖, 兼任副教授-美国诺斯洛普大学, 顾问-中兴工程顾问公司, 技正-台湾行政院国际经济合作发展委员会及经济设计委员会, 长老,执事会主席-罗省华人基督教会, 原始董事-北美中华福音神学院, 创始执事/家庭-哈岗中华联合基督教会(现国际大使命教会), 副董事长-洛杉矶贝尔纪念联合魏理公会, 封面人物(刊物) - "《美国通》杂志" (March 2008, Dec. 2008) – "How2USA" magazine, 封面人物(刊物) - "《中国时运》杂志" (Feb 2009,April 2009) – "China Fortune" magazine, 封面人物(书籍) - "2009 全球华人风云人物", 荣誉主席, 杰出奖– "All Chinese Award"

杰出华人领袖 - "2009 全球杰出华人与商业文化" (商务部中国国际经济合作学会), 杰出华人贡献奖 - "2010, 第一届美中企业高峰会, 全球华商企业高峰会", 杰出华人(首页) - 华人信息网名人录, 荣誉会员(Heritage Registry of Who's Who 2005-2008 Edition), Strathmore名人錄榮譽會員(Strathmore's Who's Who 2006-2007), 世界名人录(Marquis Who's Who in the World, 2006-2008 Edition), 執照建築師, 工程師, 城市規劃師, 委員-總統委員會/共和黨國會委員會, 榮譽主席-美國加州企業顧問委員會/美國共和黨國會委員會, 執行委員-總統企業委員會委員/主席及執行委員-共和黨國會委員會, 榮譽主席-美國眾議院基金會(NRCC), 榮譽主席-美國眾議院多數席次基金會, 創始委員-總統企業行動力委員會, 委員-雷根國會委員會-共和黨國會委員會, 委員-艾森豪委員會-共和黨全國委員會(RNC), 總統俱樂部成员, 榮譽終生會員,核心會員-共和黨全國委員會(RNC), 委員-全國共和黨參議院委員會(NRSC), 國家領導獎(NRCC), 國會傑出獎章-全國共和黨國會委員會, 2004年度雷根金質獎章, 2005年年度企業家獎/企業顧問委員會-共和黨國會委員會, 2006年年度共和黨員獎, 企業根聯盟委員-制定自由貿易協議, 美國總商會-促進美國及世界繁榮(Prosperity), 常務委員,榮譽董事-美中市場促進會, 書記,委員-中國國民黨美西南-洛東內陸分部, 會長-馬英九之友會(馬蕭後援會) 洛東內陸地區(洛杉磯東邊地區,包括胡桃、鑽石吧、奇諾崗、西柯維納市、河濱縣、聖伯納丁諾縣等地), 顧問-美國一九義工聯誼會, 兼任副教授-美國諾斯洛普大學, 顧問-中興工程顧問公司, 技正-臺灣行政院國際經濟合作發展委員會及經濟設計委員會, Committee Member, UCLA Distinguished Senior Award 2010 Review Committee,委員 加州大學洛杉磯分校2010年傑出學生獎審查委員會,理事-南加州中國文化大學校友會, 共同主席-南加州中華人民共和國60週年國慶, 榮譽顧問-南加州中華民國98週年國慶, Organizing Advisor-Republic of China Centennial Celebration Committee-US Southwest Region 籌備顧問-中華民國建國一百年美國西南地區籌備委員會,長老 執事會主席-羅省華人基督教會, 原始董事-北美中華福音神學院, 創始執事/家庭-哈崗中華聯合基督教會(現國際大使命教會), 副董事長-洛杉磯貝爾紀念聯合魏理公會, 中國國民黨優秀服務獎, 封面人物(刊物) - ”《美國通》雜誌" (March 2008, Dec. 2008) – "How2USA" magazine, 封面人物(刊物) - "《中國時運》雜誌" (Feb 2009,April 2009) – "China Fortune" magazine, 封面人物(書籍) - "2009 全球華人風雲人物", 榮譽主席, 傑出獎– "Outstanding Chinese Award", 傑出華人领袖 - "2009 全球傑出華人與商業文化" (商务部中国国际经济合作学会), 傑出華人貢獻獎 - "2010 第一屆美中企業高峰會, 全球華商企業高峰會", "Outstanding Entrepreneur of Influencing China's Economic Development" Award and "World Chinese Patriotic Star" Award, "影响中国经济发展优秀企业家" 2010 World Economy Trade and Cultural Forum in Beijing PROChina,"世界华人爱国之星" 2010 World Economy Trade and Cultural Forum at the Political Consultative Conference Auditorium in Beijing PROChina, Harmonious China 2010 Man of the Year, 2010和谐中国年度人物, Great Wall of China Patriotic Yingcai Award, 中华爱国英才长城贡献奖, Outstanding Chinese Cover page figure Chinese Information Network,傑出華人(首頁) 封面人物 - 華人資訊網, “China Outstanding Business Leader-Social Responsibility” Award, "Qiushi" Red Flag Painting Publication and "China Report magazine", 第二届“中华杰出商业领袖”社会责任奖获得者 《求是》杂志社-《红旗画刊》社及《中国报道》杂志社,China's Industry Elite Honorary Advisor-"China Rise" large scale documentary book,中国行业杰出人物 名誉顾问 封二人物《中华崛起》大型纪实图书, Global Chinese Most Influential People Award and Special Honorary Advisor China Report “China’s influence”, 全球华人最具影响力人物 代表奖 特邀名誉顾问 "中国报道《中国影响力》, 傑出華人(首頁) - 華人資訊網, Heritage名人錄榮譽會員(Heritage Registry of Who's Who 2005-2010 Edition), Strathmore 名人錄榮譽會員(Strathmore's Who's Who 2006-2010), 世界名人錄(Marquis Who's Who in the World,2006-2010 Edition)



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