


About Us

In early June, 2003, a small coterie of us like-minded celebrity authors attended our weekly round table discussion at the Hôtel Cherokee, which is located in a large southwestern city.

As is our wont, we authors were bemoaning the state of the current literary landscape, despite the benefits that our status as like-minded celebrity authors has bestowed upon us—benefits including fame, fortune, and preferential treatment by the maitre d’s of every reputable hotel that caters to those of our ilk, not to speak of the easily-procured sexual favors provided, without fee but with heart-warming enthusiasm, by the young, the restless, and the beautiful.

The topic that day moved by slow degree from our customary general bemoanings to a specific bemoaning of feeling vaguely trapped by the curses that bedevil celebrity authors of our standing. This movement of topic, I seem to remember, was produced by the gradual wonder-working powers of the intoxicants of which members of our class of celebrity authors are expected to become inordinately fond.

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