
DOLL ESCORTS: female escorts, models, bachelor party, prostitution, strippers, xxx, sex, bdsm, female wrestling,femdom, escort agencies, massage, exotic dancers, incall outcal, erotic entertainment, adult, hardcore, nude, nudes, pictures,strippers, horny, pictures, photos, photo, picture, women


Doll Escorts is adding ONLY highly selected in-shape attractive ladies to its site providing enormous exposure for escorts/models, dancers, masseurs and BDSM!! If you are asking yourself why should I pay for my advertisement on Doll Escorts when there are other web sites that don't charge a penny-- well it's simple...For one thing we don't just add anyone to fill our pages like some sites. We believe in quality over quantity. Doll Escorts is extremely selective on who is added for one important reason. Most clients interested in escort services prefer an escort that chooses to stay fit as a committed lifestyle. Doll Escorts is truely one of a kind and will be dedicated to providing access to adult business entertainment across North America and world-wide. Access to our site will be free to all customers because we believe this translates into higher traffic therby giving our advertisers much more exposure. Because of the hundreds of related links back to our site, much of our traffic will also be extremely well qualified to our advertiser's needs. In short, we have real people who visit our site searching for real adult entertainment. This will translate into much better results for our advertisers.

Within these pages are private self advertisers. This web site is free for you to browse. In many areas the hiring of an escort for sexual purposes is against the law. Normally it is not against the law to hire an individual to escort you to dinner, to act as a tour guide or social companion. The hiring of an escort can hold dangers to personal security and health. This website is offered as an E-magazine, similar to a printed publication, and is NOT an escort service. You can not contact any of these individuals through the owner of this web site and must contact the individual directly through their e-mail address or phone which they provide. In doing so we urge caution and encourage you to take all necessary precautions to ensure your health and safety. The owner of this site assumes no responsibility for any interaction between you or the person placing an ad. Executive Male Escorts has not personally screened any of these individuals, and is not making a personal recommendation by allowing the ad to be placed within. We are also not responsibile for photos supplied by the model. Please direct any and all inquiries regarding this matter here




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