offers dog sledding retreats and training in Lapland, Sweden.


Dogsledding Adventures, Dog sledding adventure, Lapland Sweden


Mr. Robert Janns came to Umnäs in 1870 as a colonist with his spade and dug hopes in this new land in Lapland. It was harsh times settling down as a farmer with only a small family breeding cows, sheep, goats and hens. Since that time a lot has happened. 'The Silent Way' has hosted five generations of the same family, all of whom has maintained strong roots and traditions. Catrine Anderback, your hostess is the grand grand grand daughter of Robert.

Now days, our beloved and hardworking Alaskan Huskies are what keeps 'The Silent Way' alive and our days full of excitement and adventures.

All the nature you can imagine... dense forests... proud mountain birch... wide stretched mires... bare white mountains with deep valleys... pure clean lakes with trout’s and char and beautiful social dogs...

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Silent Way - Nordic Adventures

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