Title your Server Side Web Development Community!


About two years back the organization responsible for handing out .be (Belgium) domain names changed its procedure, so that now anyone can register a domain in their zone. Being a developer at that time (and still am) I though a web developer without a domain is like a kid without a bicycle ;-) So up I went and registered my domain.

Some time went by, I did not really had an idea on what to do with it, buy hey at least I got one ;-) Meanwhile I bought a book on DNS (dns&bind by O'Reilly) since having a domain and not knowing how DNS works is like... hehe yeah exactly!

So that was about it, a little later I started thinking about building something about coldfusion but it turned out to be something more then that, all in all it was (and still is) quiet some fun building it. I still have tons of idea's to add/create but as I'm doing this during my free time (?!) it takes a bit... Currently I'm working on some sort of online messaging system for users logged on but more on that later on...



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