
Deuce of Davenport | Sports News, Commentary, Humor, Videos


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The Brett Favre Manlovefest Continues
Sports Illustrated has named Brett Favre their Sportsman of the Year and that is kind of a big deal. Forget that he, right now, isn't the best player in his sport he isn't even the best player at his position in his sport or even the greatest player in all sports right now. SI does counter all of that line of thinking because being the Sportsman of the Year does not mean you have to be the best in all of sports or even the best at your position in your just have to generally a good guy (ie: not arrested recently), who conquered some adversity (ie: drugs and alcohol), sorta plays the game right (ie: gunslingin'), and hasn't done anything to spurn the media's ever-loving eyes (ie: talks to them and gives them quotes).
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