Interior Design Made easy Design Plan in a Can

DESIGN PLAN IN A CAN is a FABULOUS NEW PRODUCT! DESIGN PLAN IN A CAN is a complete design product that will help the homeowner, remodeler, builder, make interior design decisions easy. Each Design Plan In A Can sells for $99.00 dollars and is cleverly packaged in a gallon sized can. The contents include samples of carpet, tile, fabric, wooden or laminate wooden floors, grout, wallcoverings, wallpaints, faux finishes, concrete stains, counters, cabinet colors and wood species. The cool thing is, that all of the contents samples are coordinated to go together for a professionally designed look. "One can will give the end user all the finishes needed for one home from ceiling to floor". What could be easier?

All of the samples are in durable vinyl sleeves and are on a beaded stainless steal chain. The product is easy to take on the job site and is the perfect companion to take shopping to find the right decorative items ( draperies, towels, upholstry) to finish the look. It won't fall apart like traditional color boards have in the past.

The best part of the entire product is the Color Placement Reccomendation Guide..this is actually and instructon booklet that tells you the item numbers ,company names and contact information for the products specified. It also gives the consumer a room by room breakdown and suggests where every color and finsih would look its best. This is fabulous Interior Design made easy. 1-800-590-2423 870-931-5777

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