heavy metal detoxification with oral chelation therapy, dmsa


This site is an educational forum teaching the importance of heavy metal detoxification. Heavy Metal Detoxification is also known as Chelation or Oral Chelation Therapy. Only one therapy is supported by lab measurements of toxic metal body burden. DMSA Synergy is the recommended chelator for a safe, effective, toxic metal cleanse. Heavy Metal Detox reduces symptoms of mercury and lead poisoning and lessens the severity of ailments like autism, Alzheimers, ADD, ADHD, among many others. This site is an educational forum teaching the importance of heavy metal detoxification. Heavy Metal Detoxification is also known as Chelation or Oral Chelation Therapy. Only one therapy is supported by lab measurements of toxic metal body burden. DMSA Synergy is the recommended chelator for a safe, effective, toxic metal cleanse. Heavy Metal Detox reduces symptoms of mercury and lead poisoning and lessens the severity of ailments like autism, Alzheimers, ADD, ADHD, among many others.

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