
CWIPP: Christian Witness to a Pagan Planet


Excerpted from the website description:

Christian Witness to a Pagan Planet is an organization dedicated to equipping the Church in bringing the good news of the Gospel to an increasingly pagan world. CWIPP seeks to explain the two religious options vying for the modern mind (Christianity and Paganism) in order to equip the church to answer in the power of the gospel the questions emerging in a culture dominated by planetary paganism, for the sake of her evangelism and her intentional Christian living. CWIPP' goal is to train a new generation of scholars and leaders to understand and inform the Church of the challenge of global paganism. To understand the richness of the Christian gospel and the Bible's worldview in light of the post-modern pagan option.To instruct members of Christ's Church around the world about the implications of living in and witnessing to a pagan world. To give an understanding of the counter-cultural character of the Christian worldview to the next generation of Christians, born into a paganized culture that claims to be just and normative, and dismisses Christianity as mere bigoted, traditionalism, by giving Christian youth an understanding of the timeless character of the Christian/pagan antithesis.


1057 Chestnut Dr
Escondido CA 92025 US


Christian Witness to a Pagan Planet

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